Monday, March 5, 2012

I've been baking

I like to try new recipes, I'm brave like that. Sometimes, they don't turn out very well.

On Saturday, my parents were coming over for dinner and I was trying to figure out what to make for dessert, and came across this recipe for Orange Syrup Cakes in a book I've got at home.
For some reason, my book at home said 1/2 cup of mixture, in muffin tins (then I read after I'd put them in the oven, that the muffin tins should hold 1 cup when full - that's not correct!)... so I did as it said, my cakes flowed over the edges, and were a mammoth mission to remove from the tin!

That aside, they didn't turn out toooo badly, and they tasted amazing, with lightly whipped sweetened cream on the side, they were delicious.

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