Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Second Quilt!

Shortly after Emma got pregnant, my brother and his wife told us that they were expecting their first baby too! Theirs is a girl, so again, I took it upon myself, to create a quilt.

Even tho this one LOOKS much more simple, I had so many more issues making it - even after I had spent $90 on a fancy walking foot. I had great help from my mother-in-law though :) she is just about a pro quilter!

I was told NO PINK, and my brother and his wife have put a green stripe around the baby's bedroom. After seeing a lilac and mint green quilt that a friend of mine made for her baby, I decided to make a green and purple quilt for my niece.

From quilts

Dont look too closely, there are wonky lines!
From quilts

From quilts

To get the inbetween lines straight, I measured and stuck masking tape lines down the whole quilt, sewed them in the same direction, un-pinned, then re-pinned the quilt, re-taped in the other direction, sewed, un-taped, and un-pinned!

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